Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Birthday!
yay. its my birthday today. im year older now after stepping into adulthood for 4 years already =) and im stll enjoying it to the last bit before i turn to the big three o =x and i still have yet to own a loli dress =(
in the meantime, christmas is coming. in another 2 days time. gifts will be opened. joys and laughter can be heard throughout the town. joyous carolers sharing the heart and spirit of christmas to all of us. while im still mesmerizing by the magical theme of christmas, lets wish to each other, and you out there, to have a very Merry Christmas! =D May the joy brings you glad tidings, may you have a wonderful time with your loved ones! *huggles*
Labels: Little Pleasures in Life
Friday, December 07, 2007

Golden compass is out this weekend! owhmigawsh! i can't believe that it's finally here! =) im so excited! for one thing, golden compass is one of the best damn novel that i've read so far. EVER. honest. its becoming a fast favourite of mine though im still in the middle of reading the author's 3rd book of the trilogy. yes i know. i cant be expecting or putting up my hopes too high on the movie. since you know, there's already a long line of history of movies being adapted from novel or games that are just far away from the original creator which has leads to lots of disappointments to their fans (eg, residence evil, harry potter and such) but nevertheless, i still have that feeling of excited euphoria in me! i cant wait to watch it!
lots of controversy has erupted due to this movie and the novel itself. rumours is that Dark Materials (which is the trilogy that golden compass belongs to) by Phillip Pullman is a book full of God-deception, anti-God, or teaching children to kill God, overall, it was said its a book with a hidden meaning. It was learned that the author itself is an atheist. thus the logic of coming out a book with such aim. so people out there is saying the movie is a bad influence for childrens. they even want to boycott the movie.
i have read the book. and im a Christian myself. now i dont think the book has any connection to Christianity and such. sure, it did touched a bit of religion here and there, but its just a fiction. a fiction with strong stories, fantasy dwellings and dangerous adventures. for me, i think the book is just purely adventure. beautifully written, and smitten you to no extend. yes. i admit i love the book! =p anyway, the point is, lets look on the other side. its just pure fantasy story, whats there to argue or to hide? the author might be an atheist, but it doesnt affect the fact that the book is just purely fictional.
and i think they should have find a person with black shiny hair instead of the goldie hair of nicole kidman =( but i cant wait to see pantailaimon & iorek =) they are my most favourite characters inside. did you see pantalaimon? omg, he's soooo cute =D
Labels: General
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Cold morning. 6:45am. woke up. feeling tired and cold. tried to snooze a little, but to no avail. grey sky. very gloomy indeed. where is the blue sky that was shining like an amour yesterday? had a cold shower. the water is freezing cold. but it perks me up. phua chu kang is on the radio again. doing his daily calls on the breakfast show of mix fm. he lightens up the mood. doing what's his best of, making craps.
went to work. saw lots of people on the station. all walks of life. different faces. different jackets. different bags. different glasses. office people. cleaning lady. traveling people. students loafing around. i wonder what are they thinking in their mind at that time? is the mother worried about her child at home while she's rushing for work? is the girl still on a high note of what happened last night with her boyfriend? or i wonder, maybe the guy in the black suit is thinking of heading for a breakfast somewhere at starbucks. and owh! the lady over there must have forgotten something, her face is full of dismay. should i help her? owh, what a warm family they have here, having a warm breakfast together before going anywhere else. i like the feeling. i wish to have that kind of breeze over me. for i wish to make the breeze be as real as possible. be as memorable as possible. for as long as i can remember. for as long as i can treasure. for as long as.....for as long as till when?
and so the rain has decided to release itself. prickles & droplets of water that i can feel it on my skin. why is it not painful? do water has feelings? do they cry? is that why there's such thing as 'rain'? and that is why the gloomy sky? dark and grey. it reflects my mood oh so well. grey colors. grey tone of colors. what any other grey available out there? please tell me so. i need colors. more colors. please.
owh fuck, i forgot to bring my own umbrella.
Labels: Rants and Rambles