Tuesday, January 15, 2008
three's a crowd
yellow spidey
winding bamboos
i would love to be back in terengganu again. peaceful and laidback. lovely beaches and summery breeze crosses along your hair. it's a superb place for beautiful photos. i wonder why didn't the government think of developing it? it's such a waste. but then again, perhaps it would be wise to preserve what it has now. oh, im so contradicting to myself. enjoy the photos =) taken by my poor devalued manual slr. sobs.
Labels: Photography
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Legs and foots pattered towards klcc during lunch. crowded as it is, somehow it still look empty without the giant tree at the center. its a sight that im still not use to it since christmas. went around and around. looking for something that best suited for her. but we just cant seem to find anything. in the end we bought 2 mugs thinking that she got to use it as her coffee mug during her stay in penang =)
fast forward to dinner. we had such nice dinner with them. it feels so warm and joyful. i really will miss her for the whole 9 months. the things we had done together for 5 years. the things we had done for the years in Uni. i wont forget that. i feel happy for her that she found something that she really wanted to do in her life. i feel encourage by her motivation to turn her life around. i feel awed by her bravery. to take on something that she never steps on. to be somewhere that she never have been off. i feel so envious on her. she gets to move the life that she's on now.
my cellphone rang tonight signified an sms is received.
"Dear all ji mui, reach here safely. now orientation week. other than have 2 stand under the sun da rest just easy job oni. i can online after dis week. so c u guys soon."
all i can say is, roomie! take care of yourself okies! we will definitely miss u alot! =D muacks & huggles~
Labels: Friends and Memories
Friday, January 04, 2008
Friday today and it is cold in the office indeed. hazy clouds covered the whole overland of skies. the smell of something burning instantly touching the tip of my nostrils. is there something burning again somewhere? i wonder. cars are not much on the road. seems like everyone are still on holidays. caught on something about space adventure on the radio. im interested with that. i wanna go too.
friday today and i feel so delighted with it. happy hours will soon come in the matter of hours. be patient my dear. as lots of works are still waiting for me to tend to. should i go for a movie tonight? or should i be pigging out on my bed? i need to wash my hair and do the laundry you know.
friday today and im feeling so lazy. i find being invisible highly attractive. why is that? being something there but you're not there. when's the time gonna start? i start to think that it wont start at all. waiting and waiting. waiting for an invisible friend. an imaginary friend. i would cocoon myself.
friday today and im sharing my feelings with my imaginary friend.
Labels: Reality Do Bites
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
I can still hear the fireworks in the distance. bright lights surrounds KLCC that shouts attention. huge bang of sounds. crackles of splash. patters of feet ran along the hallway of my apartment. childrens and mothers gathered around the rooftop just to get a glimpse of the fireworks. it seems that theres no space left for me to join in. i watched through my window instead. thing is only a tiny wee bit of sparkles can be seen in such distance. and somehow that still keeps the excite in me.
so now that 2007 is gone, here comes another year. 2008. oh my, how the days are gone. just like that. i don't even know what i have done for the past year. days just pass by without any acknowledgment. my acknowledgment to be exact.
resolutions you ask? i've never made any resolutions for myself. weird? why make any resolutions when you dont bother on making it a reality. and thats so like me. i use to make those back when i was in highschool, but unfortunately, i failed to keep those things up to it. since then, i've stopped making any for fear of not keeping any of it. so do you still make resolutions for yourself?
Happy New Year! =D
Labels: Reality Do Bites