Recently i have found out most of the people i know are not anywhere in malaysia. some went for further studies overseas, some went to work at other places. now i do really admire their courage of taking their life a step forward and experience the different environments out there rather than being in their comfort zone. and of course to pursue what they have always wanted in their life. because that's what i would want to do too.
i have been thinking lately to have my own destination too. i want to go somewhere else, perhaps europe or the uk, or anywhere overseas, as long as its out of my own home, to pursue something that i've never done before. long ago, me and one of my good friend, have dreamed of going to europe, backpacking, and working along the trip in europe, its a pleasant wish for us, we have planned and thought that when we reach to a certain age, we promise each other to do something out of ordinary before our life really settle down. but recently, i found out i cant wait any longer anymore than that. after reading numerous stories and stories of people traveling around the world, something just keeps reminding me of my dream, being closer to me, hanging in my head, telling me to do what my heart is thinking. but it is something that's too large of a decision to make. to make it happen, i have to put down everything that im having in my life right now, everything that i have build. i certainly will sacrifice everything for my own dream. but i guess, its till the matter of time, and money. maybe you would think these are just some reasons, but it is not for me.
not that im unhappy with my life right now (except for a few rants here and there), but it's something that is incomplete within me if i decide to push the thought away from me. it's telling me to look up and to conquer the sky and to look for a sky that belongs to me. i really wish to fulfill that part of me.
should i take england?
or perhaps japan?
oh no, my definite yes! place. paris!while doing my research for my purpose, i found a way that is quite interesting. that is, to be an Au Pair. and what is Au Pair? an au pair placement is an arrangement where an unmarried person between 17 and 30 years old lives for up to two years in a foreign country as a member of a local family, helping in the home for a set number of hours a day, often with at least two full days off per week. In return, they receive a reasonable allowance and a private room. you can try look it up in wiki about this. i found a few sites which is very useful for au pair placement, one of them,
Au Pair Replacement, provides an extensive options for an aupair or the host family, each of the party are able to choose and browse through of all the registered host family or the au pairs available in the website. when a family found a suitable au pair, they will communicate to that certain individual for further communication.
now i do really think this a good thing to start for people who have the same wish as me =D perhaps i should start thinking too. well actually, i've registered myself =D who knows? dreams are something we should create by our own hands, am i right?
photos credits to the original authorLabels: Reality Do Bites